Enjoi skateboards leader Louie Barletta and his squad were known for their quirky and humorous skating style. In a recent interview with Jenkem, Barletta spoke about the demise of Enjoi and his role in its downfall.
Enjoi was founded in 2000 by professional skateboarder Marc Johnson, considered one of the pioneers of modern skateboarding.
RELATED: Louie Barletta is Ready to Move on to Work on Jacuzzi Unlimited Project
The company quickly gained a reputation for its distinctive graphics and irreverent sense of humor, and it became a favorite among skateboarders looking for something different.
Barletta joined the Enjoi team in 2003 and quickly became one of its most famous riders. He was known for his creative and playful approach to skateboarding, and his unique style perfectly fit Enjoi's irreverent image.
However, as Enjoi grew in popularity, it attracted the attention of corporate investors who saw the company as a lucrative investment opportunity. In 2006, Dwindle Distribution acquired Enjoi, which owned several other skateboard brands.
According to Barletta, they got bought by an actual corporation in 2019, and the acquisition marked the beginning of the end for Enjoi.
He felt that the corporate culture of Dwindle was at odds with Enjoi's creative and playful spirit, and he was concerned that the company would lose its identity and become just another corporate brand.
Barletta tried to resist the changes imposed on Enjoi but eventually realized he was fighting a losing battle. "Eventually, I sent a text to the Enjoi group chat to everybody that I love them all, and I just couldn't do it anymore," he said.
In the interview, the Panda head honcho expressed his sadness at the demise of Enjoi and his regret that he was unable to save the company. He said that he didn't want to see Enjoi die at the hands of the corporation, but unfortunately, that's what happened.
Despite Enjoi's challenges, Barletta remains optimistic about the future of skateboarding. He believes there will always be a place for independent brands and creative expression in skateboarding. He hopes that other skateboarders will continue embracing Enjoi's spirit and keeping its legacy alive.
While he is on the stage of moving on, Barletta said that he has a new project with Jacuzzi Unlimited, and a new part will be out soon.